Episode 26: It's not the Circumstance's Fault

26. It's Not The Circumstance’s Fault

Episode Summary: 

It can feel disempowering when your emotional state is dependent on external circumstances or people’s behaviors that are completely outside of your control. But, when you start to bring awareness and acceptance to your thoughts and intentionally shift the narrative, your lived experience can completely change. 

Show Notes:

When you’re feeling any sort of emotion, how often do you attribute that feeling to something outside of yourself? Most of us do this often and aren’t even aware of it. 

It can feel disempowering when your emotional state is dependent on external circumstances or people’s behaviors that are completely outside of your control. But, when you start to bring awareness and acceptance to your thoughts and intentionally shift the narrative, your lived experience can completely change. 

This process isn’t meant to promote toxic positivity or bypass yourself. Rather, I invite you to practice choosing different truths that already exist within you. When you do this, you can focus your energy on the areas that you can actually control, like your thoughts and beliefs. 

My challenge for you this week is to try this technique the next time you're blaming something outside of yourself for how you're feeling. I share some techniques in the episode to recognize patterns and create intentional solutions. I’d love to hear from you if you try it out ー DM me on Instagram and let me know!  

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

Topics Covered:

  • Examples of how common it is to look outside of yourself to create your feelings 

  • Why trying to exert more control over a situation doesn’t typically work 

  • Liberating yourself from the stories that keep you stuck 

  • My four-step process for emotional empowerment 

  • A simple way to test whether a situation or your thoughts are creating how you feel 

Resources Mentioned: 

Special Offer: 

  • Download my free guide to help change that habit that you just can't seem to quit 

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