Episode 14: Life is a Choice

Life is a Choice 

Episode Summary: 

One of the coaching principles that really changed my life was understanding that I have complete authority over the choices that I make. In this episode, I walk you through a quick exercise to illustrate this concept and share what happened in my life when I started to take responsibility for the choices I was making. 

Show Notes:

One of the coaching principles that really changed my life was understanding that I have complete authority over the choices that I make. In this episode, I walk you through a quick exercise to illustrate this concept and share what happened in my life when I started to take responsibility for the choices I was making. 

If you're feeling stuck, it might seem like you are just a victim of your circumstances. However, we subconsciously make choices every day that keep us in that cycle. We show up to the job that we don’t like, engage in habits that don’t serve us, and stay in relationships that don’t feel supportive. 

It might feel confronting to think about that. Truthfully, it didn’t feel good when I started to notice these patterns in my life either. But, when I started to do this work, it opened up more space in my life to see that I had options and agency. Listen to learn more about how you can take control over your life by consciously making decisions that align with who you want to be. 

Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or on your favorite podcast platform. 

Topics Covered:

  • The predominant feelings in my life when I felt stuck in my previous career 

  • Why it’s so helpful to build your awareness around your thought patterns and belief systems

  • Questions to ask yourself about why you make the choices that you do 

  • Recognizing where you discount your emotional experience and prioritize that of others 

  • What I noticed about myself when I started to understand why I was making certain choices 

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